We have worked collaboratively with the TH March in-house marketing team to maximise the impact of their Social Media channels. We’ve received some amazing results in the last 12 months with fantastic feedback and lots of ‘User Generated Content’.

Also, last week we found a Forbes article discussing the strategies we’ve been involved in working on closely with T H March and the reasons why they are working so well.

If you are interested in reading the article please click below, I am sure you will find these tips useful too: “Top Four Lessons Of Social Engagement

I am very proud to see how our excellent working partnership with the TH March in-house team, together with our research and long hours have contributed to the success of one of our clients, personally being taken as an example is so rewarding that can’t really be put it into words.

Our Challenge

In late 2014, T.H. March (Insurance Brokers) asked Bluestone360 to conduct a complete review of all their social media activity. They wanted to create a new Social Media Strategy that would help them to connect with their audience boosting their brand awareness and engagement, and ultimately drive the business forward in an increasingly competitive and challenging marketplace.

We conducted an intensive audience research based on their top interests and behaviours on social media, and one thing was more than clear: ‘they do not like to be sold to’.

Being sold to DOESN’T work on #SocialMedia!

Today, we are more than glad that T H March have listened to our advice. We have worked with them to put together a Social Media Strategy that is connecting with their audience by tapping into emotions and resonating with life experiences and best memories in life. This is what we called ‘humanising the brand’ (something that historically T H March has always done).

T.H. March’s social media feed is now full of valuable and entertaining content. This has been received in a very positive way by the audience, and has allowed us to receive ‘User Generated Content’ every month increasing the levels of ‘Engagement, Audience growth and most importantly Brand Loyalty’:

In comparison with last year during the same period (January to September):

  • The Facebook audience has grown 181% more than last year.
  • The Twitter Audience has grown 512% more than last year.
  • And the engagement levels across both channels has grown 172% more than last year.

This kind of content is ‘gold’ for social media, if you want to see why, please check my other article here called: Targeting Millennials – What you need to know!

Social Media is more than just a post, is more than just an image or a cute cat doing silly faces, if you don’t have a Strategy behind your posts is very unlikely you will see any results. So here are 2 of my golden rules for you:

When it comes to Social Media content aim to educate, entertain & empower!

Social Media is not about what you do or what you make, it is about the stories you create!

Hope this article helps you with your own #SocialMediaStrategy for your business.

If you have any questions or if you ever need any help, please don’t hesitate in contacting me.

Jaqueline Pantoja
Social Media Strategist

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