Wifinity are a UK ISP that serves businesses and their customers with a range of connectivity solutions. They design, install, and operate managed networks and WiFi solutions for businesses that need to provide the fast and reliable internet access their customers expect.

From students in their halls to families on holiday, they provide easy-to-use internet access that’s flexible, reliable and fully managed.

wifinity rebrand

The Challenge

Wifinity came to us to consolidate and evolve their brand around the various parts of their business and recent acquisitions in the sector. They didn’t just want a brand refresh, but they really wanted to define who they were, what they stand for, and how they’re different from other companies.  

They wanted to communicate what they do clearly to their key markets, across a range of sectors and audiences. With such a wide range of potential clients they needed a brand that connected with them all, whilst still ensuring the brand was meaningful to all employees.

Connecting with the purpose

We started work with the key stakeholder team to uncover what they do, who they do it for, what they stand for and why. Our BrandDNA Creative Workshop helped bring together the thinking and direction to align all the creative and strategic work to follow.

Working alongside the development of the creative, we also worked on the Vision, Mission, Proposition, Purpose and Tone of Voice.

wifinity brochure

Connecting with customers

As part of the process we created a Message Bank to ensure the brand personality was consistent with the ethos and culture in written form as well as the visual brand language.

Clearly understanding what Wifinity do, what is unique about them and articulating their passion ‘to keep people connected to what they love’ to their key audiences was an integral part of the process.

Connecting the Brand

Part of the requirement was to bring all the facets of the brand work together into a set of expanded Brand Guidelines and a Brand tool kit for the Wifinity in-house team to implement all ongoing communications.

Connecting the brand with the website

The website was restructured, designed and rebuilt. The customer journeys were clearly defined for each audience sector along with the new messaging and brand. 

Bluestone360 grew to have a great understanding of us as a company, our product, and what we were trying to achieve. They listened and acted on all of our feedback, always willing to take another look at something to make sure it was absolutely spot on. The team really helped to lead the process to go from an undefined and open challenge to the final designs. 

Martin Steels, Head of Marketing - Wifinity