Today animation and web design are seamlessly merging together with code and design working in tandem. We can take the limitless possibilities of designing for film and apply that across web and ux design. The days of low quality static gifs can now be replaced with crisp vector svg graphics along with a magic animators touch. This new ability lifts the restrictions of a static web page and adds a bit of style and personality to a design.

Animation to code

Animation is also now being used interactively with developers having the ability to loop, click, or interact with elements. These are known as ‘Microinteractions’ and something that a user can connect with on more of an emotional level, making designs more fun, easy and accessible to a user. We are currently in the process of redesigning our Bluestone360 website and would like to share a sneak peek of what we’ve been working on. This simple graphic is completely made by code. Its responsive, interactive and has a bespoke element you won’t find on any other website. Designed by an animator and brought to life by a coder.

If you would like to explore what possibilities bluestone360 can do to bring your brand to life please get in touch.